My solution from yesterdays problem of riveting the trim tab spar and piano hinge was to take a squeezer die and cut off the shaft. After smoothing off the bottom of the die, I superglued it to my no-hole yoke as shown in the picture below.

This worked great and kept the yoke from bending the piano hinge.

I decided to add a couple of stiffeners to the trim tab as is done with the elevators. The plans dont call for them; however, our old trim tab had flexed a little so maybe this will help the new trim tab.

Lining up the new tab against the piano hinge to make sure the trim tab edge line will match the edge line of the elevator.

Drilling the piano hinge to the trim tab.

Drilling the trim tab spar to the top of the trim tab.

Deburred, dimpled and primed everything.

Almost finished trim tab. The top wont be riveted until the two pieces of angle that attach to the trim motor arm are riveted to the trim tab tomorrow.
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